Casually pour Grandma’s hot tea or coffee into this mug and wait for the magic moment when she finds your subliminal message. There are so many cute baby-news mugs on Etsy, but the pretty design and funny text of this one makes it a favourite. When she realizes what’s going on, the reaction is absolutely priceless. Case in point? This Grandma-to-be thought her Valentine’s Day card was from her daughter’s dog. Pen a letter from your baby to the grandparents-to-be for a simple-yet still thrilling-way to tell your parents you’re pregnant. Write a Letter From the Baby to Announce Your Pregnancy to Your Parents It might seem like a standard greeting card, but beneath the surface is the best news of all. These scratch-off cards are an adorable Etsy find for your parents to let them know you’re expecting a baby.

Photo/Where to Buy: PetalPaperCo via Etsy Grandma and Grandpa will love opening these exciting pregnancy announcement t-shirts, which are the perfect way to tell them there’s a baby on the way! Scratch-Off Pregnancy Announcement for Grandparents Photo/Where to Buy: LoveLuluBell via Etsy Let this list serve as inspiration for sharing your special news! And make sure to have a camera on hand, because none of you will ever want to forget their reactions to the moment you announce your pregnancy to your parents! Wearable Pregnancy Announcement for Grandparents

From props to poems, sweets to sweaters, there are so many creative ways to tell your parents you’re pregnant.
Fun ways to announce pregnancy to parents how to#
When trying to decide how to announce your pregnancy to your parents, simplicity is fine but sometimes going bolder is better. There’s no news like baby news-and some of the most excited recipients around are the grandparents-to-be.